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What is a cryptocurrency and how does it work?

Cryptocurrencies are digital assets that rely on an encrypted network to execute, verify, and record transactions, independent of a centralized authority such as a government or bank. Cryptocurrency was developed as an alternative to the dollar, and its functions can make it an attractive investment.

What is a crypto-curious investor?

The crypto-curious investor is someone who has expressed some interest in investing in crypto, but has yet to try. Their hesitation may be due to a fear of losing money or a fear of the technology. Or maybe they’ve just been waiting for you, their advisor, to learn about crypto.

How to become a crypto-curious client?

The crypto-curious client will require some education, starting with the technology. The conversation will likely start with “I’m interested in crypto …”, or “I read this article about bitcoin …”, or “My brother/daughter/neighbor made some money in crypto.”

Is cryptocurrency a Public Ledger?

Cryptocurrencies exist and operate on a public ledger called a blockchain, which records all crypto transactions. Blockchain encryption is designed to make all transactions immutable and secure from tampering, counterfeit, and other forms of fraudulent transactions. Is cryptocurrency a type of money?

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